Phases: Luteal

Your luteal phase is something like a nesting period a pregnant mother goes through just before giving birth.

The body knows there will be a huge expenditure of energy and so it prepares by giving you a burst of productivity just before your menstrual phase.

💫 Most women feel a desire to do more home-based projects to prepare their space to make it more restful and peaceful.

💫You also may be drawn to more detail oriented tasks and might find yourself feeling agitated with things out of place or people asking you to be hyper-present and social when you just want to prepare yourself for rest.

Sadly, a lot of women also report a higher inclination to depression and anxiety leading up to their period.

Unfortunately, it’s no surprise when very few women are empowered to embrace this energy change but instead are asked to keep up the same bouncy, outwardly-focused energy of their follicular and ovulatory phases.

When we honor these fluctuations and live in tune with our cycle we are able to be more productive, more fulfilled, and healthier overall. The constant go, go, go mentality of our society is not based on a 28 day biorhythm!

When you take time to embrace the inner-focused energy, it’s similar to an arrow being pulled back to then be released with powerful momentum.

When you pull back for a short period and give yourself time, you are actually preparing for the explosive, energetic launch of your next phase.

CHALLENGE: Pay attention to how you’re feeling the next time you enter your Luteal phase. Are you more prone to alone time? Do you snap at your spouse? Do experience anger and frustration? If so, are you honoring the phase you’re in or pushing through it?


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.

When You Feel Disconnected


The Lessons of Space