The Gentle Business Jumpstart

You feel like you have to choose between…

Your business... or your femininity

Your business... or taking care of your family

Your business... or your health

Which comes first for you?

Can you imagine a reality where all get to thrive simultaneously?

As women, we feel the pressure to do and be it all.

And we can... but not through the masculine hustle.

If we continue to do business with a structure designed for a man's biology, by seeking to prove ourselves through "doing", piling on the pressure and stress, and allowing our work to determine our sense of value in the world then we will burn out.

The hustle creates 1 of 2 things;

1) Burnout and dis-ease from the toxic load before we even hit our goals.


2) Or unsustainable successes that get heavier and heavier as we scale and eventually lead to...burnout.

There is a way to embrace and thrive in your feminine power, without sacrificing success, without sacrificing softness, without sacrificing your health.

But we need to reconnect to the rhythms and energy of our womanhood to create a container of sustainable, nourishing success.

We need to create space.

We need to honor our body and her cycles - for more than just a moment.

We need to change how we work.

We need to spend less time doing busy work, and more time in communion with our soul and leaning into the power of our being.

There is a more integrated way to create and sustain your vision.

One where your body, your health, your relationships, and your femininity get to thrive alongside your work.

Do you want your business to feel like a prison of your own creation, constantly chained to a slave driver of the hustle and endless stress?

Or do you want it to feel pleasurable, like a work of art, a deep transformation and expression of your heart? Something that nourishes you as you serve others?

You get to choose, my friend.

Introducing the Gentle Business Jumpstart 1:1 Program

In this 12-session program, you will learn how to set up or scale a feminine-based business of nourishment.

You really want to grow your business "in your feminine”, but you’re just not sure what that looks like and… HOW!?

HOW is that even possible when there are just so many things to do, all the time?

You do so much work for your clients, spend time developing yourself, and show up for your business day in and day out.

You hold space for so many things and everyone else. But who’s the one holding space for you?

Maybe you're feeling...

  • So paralyzed by your endless to-do list, and you don’t know what to focus on, so you end up just procrastinating on Instagram, and by the end of the day you haven't moved the needle forward on anything.

  •  Like you're ready to hire an assistant to help you, but you’re scared they won’t be able to do as good a job and you don't have any processes in place to train them so it'll just be more work to train.

  •  Pretty skeptical of all the business coaches. It all just feels a bit “icky”, but you don’t know why it feels like everyone is on repeat with their advice but lacking tactical application or real transformation.

  •  Unsure how to implement what you've been learning… You’re listening to podcasts, and you’ve signed up to a bunch of courses, but you wonder how on earth people find the time to even fit this in when there are clients to serve, money to make, and content to write?

  • Unsure of the right systems, processes, and procedures to really get off the ground.

  • Imposter Syndrome and doubt that people actually want to work with YOU, so you keep yourself small.

  • Like selling is gross or you are not super clear on what's setting you apart or where your value lies.

  • Like the more effort you put into your business, the more it seems like your relationships and health suffer...

I see you, friend…

You are here to make an impact.

And your business is the perfect vehicle to help you do that.

It doesn’t have to be so hard.

And you don't have to sacrifice your health, relationships, or peace.

It can feel gentle and nourishing while you implement the vision that you can’t wait to show up for each day.

Inside The Gentle Business Jumpstart, we do embodied, integrated expansion.

We do not compromise health, intuition, or embodiment in the name of putting ourselves last or working out of "hustle".

(Not even in the start-up phase)

Gentle Business is NOT...

  • Working against our cyclical design

  • Hustling 24/7

  • Burning the candle at both ends

  • Letting our self-care take a back seat

  • Letting "shoulds" lead our business decisions

  • Making decisions from fear and scarcity

  • Running our business on empty

Gentle Business is...

  • Working with our cycles and seasons for sustainable energy output AND restorative rest

  • Re-connecting to our body wisdom

  • Taking care of ourselves with a healthy balance between work and play

  • Prioritizing people over productivity, and collaboration over competition

  • Gently increasing our capacity through connection and healing - not pushing

  • Warmly receiving support when needed

  • Learning how to be embodied and enlivened by our work

So what happens next? ⇓

Well, Lovely

if you choose this path for your business and your life in 2024, it’ll get really exciting from here on out. This is what you can expect once payment has been processed:

  1. You'll be taken to a Welcome Form where you'll tell us a little about your business, your vision, your why, what level of your business you're working at, etc., so we can customize your experience. Calls are molded to each person to make sure you get the most value for where you are in life and business.

  2. We’ll review your application and within 48 hours you’ll receive the next steps with payment links and a Welcome email!

  3. You'll gain access to the call calendar, Zoom room info, and immediate access to your bonus course, Cycle Sync For Life.

  4. You'll receive your invite to a chat app, hosted on Voxer 1 week before our kickoff call.

  5. You’ll relax, pop a bottle, or book a pamper session, celebrating yourself for embarking on this journey.

Inside the Program

60- 90 Minute 1:1 Calls

12 expansive 1:1 sessions on Masculine Systems & Strategy, Feminine Embodiment, and Nervous System Healing. Plus weekly opportunities to offer and receive wisdom from me through Voxer support.

All calls are private 1:1 sessions

2 of your sessions are specially designed somatic coaching calls to help you clear your blocks, align to your next level, and feel confident to put your soul’s work out into the world.  Use these one-to-one opportunities to learn how to step into your feminine in your business and your life with ease and flow, leaving room to turn your wildest desires into a reality.

Access to Cycle Sync For Life e-Course - available immediately!

Uncover the magic of your menstrual cycle for more ease, flow, and sustainable energy in every area of your life!

This course provides you with an a-z guide on all things cycle syncing to get you started on your feminine-based business journey. Learn how to work with your incredible, cyclical nature for more ease, deeper connection with yourself and others, and richer health. Learn how to accomplish more in 3 days than you typically would in a month, avoid burnout AND guiltlessly focus on rest and self-healing.

Value $247 - INCLUDED


  • Access to a private Voxer chat for spot coaching, celebrations and guidance.

  • Weekly recap emails with resources, replays, and call notes.

  • Discounts for future coaching sessions.

Values of Rosewood Woman

Embodied. Nourished. Gentle & Sustainable. Freedom. Intuitive. Feminine Design. Connection.

You'll walk away from this 12-Session program with…

  • Knowledge of how to cycle sync in your business.

  • An understanding of the energy shifts of your feminine and how to use this to enhance your business and your health.

  • A framework to plug and play a gentle business.

  • Insight into what is keeping you stuck or small. 

  • Emotional, mental, and somatic techniques to develop your knowing and clarity.

  • How to execute your endless idea fountain with focus and intention.

  • Clarity on your client's journey + the exact steps you will help them take.

  • Questions that make you think differently, and perceive yourself and your business with an inspired lens.

  • An action plan to eliminate exhaustion and avoid burnout...forever!

  • To know how to bring the feminine into your business without losing your masculine drive.

  • A customizable Gentle Business Booklet for you to house all the processes, goals, templates, and more we will develop over the course of this program!

"Beth Wood is absolutely amazing! I’ve only had 3 calls with her and know that she is an awesome human with a kind heart and amazing business savvy!!! The tips she has shared with me through business coaching have already helped me tremendously. I highly recommend Rosewood Woman!" A.

  • Your journey begins the moment payment is received with access to the Cycle Sync For Life e-Course and live calls can be scheduled with a scheduling link you’ll receive in your Welcome Email. You have 4 months from the date of your signed contract to schedule your sessions. I recommend 3 weeks on/1 week off to allow for integration but you can schedule your calls weekly if that’s preferred!

  • Pick your payment plan! 4 monthly payments of $1200 or 6 monthly payments of $800.

  • Yes! This program is available in 4 or 6 monthly payments.

  • You’ll be attending 10 x business-focused calls over the course of the 12 weeks as well as 2x somatic specific coaching calls to address what’s alive and active for you - whether that’s a business block or something else. You’ll also, in your own time, be able to access the Cycle Sync For Life course and additional business trainings released throughout the program. Not to mention a private Voxer chat to access where you can connect with me between sessions as needed!

  • All coaching calls will be scheduled at a time that works conveniently for you through a scheduling link!

  • This program is for those who are working in all stages of business, whether you're in the first few years or are a seasoned entrepreneur. Calls are designed to help you look at your business with fresh eyes and through the lens of the feminine - even business basics calls like branding or marketing are designed to be a refresher and level up on your current implementation.

"Rosewood Woman came into my business at just the right time — when I was feeling overwhelmed, knew I needed to bring on help, and wanted to find a groove that felt RIGHT. Beth's expertise in feminine wholeness and the way she was able to speak into my processes and systems were so refreshing! She knew what I needed when I needed it. Every female small business owner NEEDS Beth! I'm so grateful for everything she's done for me." M.