Private Coaching

You have hundreds of thousands of years of feminine wisdom woven into the fabric of your being.

I use a transformational technique called somatic coaching to help you tap into the wisdom of your own body and subconscious. You hold the keys to your healing, happiness, and freedom.

I love somatic coaching in tandem with cycle syncing because it helps you develop trust and build a relationship of safety with your body while letting go of the masculine shield as you lean into the feminine.

My Approach

What others are saying…

The word “Somatics” literally comes from the Greek word “soma” meaning “the living body in its wholeness”.

We initially create defenses around ourselves to protect us from hurt, pain, attack, and exposure (often as children), but as adults, those defenses are now also a way of LOCKING IN that pain. 

The barrier we build not only disconnects us from the outside world and can lead to isolation, and loneliness, but it also splinters our relationship with self and weighs us down.

In a world that negates the power and necessity of feminine principles, the first place to start revitalizing the warmth, freedom, and sacred wisdom of the feminine is to bring awareness, compassion, and acceptance to the deepest parts of ourselves. 

Somatic coaching is a beautiful way to go deeper without needing to talk it all through because we listen to sensations in the body and the wisdom it carries. Instead of trying to go numb, escape, avoid, or repress the body, we get curious and listen to the wisdom she holds. 

I offer a blended approach to somatic coaching rooted in viewing your life from a whole-woman, mind-body approach and listening to the wisdom of the body to find your way home.

What is Somatic Coaching?

From this approach, you learn how to...

  • Lean into the messages from your body to release stuck energy and old, stored emotions.

  • Restore a sense of safety and nourishment in the body.

  • Tap into wisdom and resources you carry within but have been looking for externally.

All programs are infused with somatic techniques, subconscious reprogramming work, strategy development for tactical steps forward, and so much more.

Together we will...

  • Explore the stories around emotion and give them space to release so they lose their grip.

  • Offer masculine support through strategies and systems so you feel held in your feminine and free to be fully embodied.

  • Interrupt ineffective behaviors and upgrade them for your success.

I blend this body-mind technique with my years of coaching and professional strategy experience to offer you an alchemized, living-body approach to support you in your wholeness while offering tactical steps forward. We support your empowerment at every angle from mindset and strategy, to body release and behavioral change. 

This creates lasting transformation in your mind + body + soul. 

Program Overview

  • This 3- Month Investment In YOU is $1247

    You have the option to pay in full or through a payment plan of 3 payments.

  • Bi-weekly 90-minute sessions

    Recap emails with notes and homework activities

    Spot coaching through Voxer between sessions

    FREE 30-minute goal session

    BONUS: Access to Cycle Sync For Life e-course

    BONUS: 25% Discount on future retreats and coaching

"Our meetings have given me a ton of clarity in my life, marriage, and business." H.

Why pair Cycle Syncing WIth Coaching?

The method of cycle syncing (dubbed by Alisa Vitti) is a highly structured method with masculine framing at its foundation. The science around our menstrual cycle is finally catching up with our bodies but it's become a tool for many women to still be in their masculine while "hacking" their hormones.

The real magic is when you lean into your feminine and dance with the intuitive wisdom of the body over a hyper-structured method like cycle syncing.

It offers a foot in the door to your analytical mind that tells you it’s not safe to be in your intuitive, gentle feminine. We can use it as a support system as we transition from operating solely from a masculine state that demands timelines and rigidity to the intuitively led feminine who knows her needs at every step.

When women first learn to cycle sync they are usually so disconnected from their bodies that they don’t know what’s happening or why they feel like a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows. So cycle syncing is a beautiful tool to use as a starting point and helps you understand the underlying blueprint of your biology.

Cycle syncing is a map but your body's wisdom is the compass. The map is a great high-level overview and helps us chart a course, but until you’re walking the peaks and valleys, you won’t know exactly what steps you’ll take despite your best planning.

Life is not predictable - it’s nuanced. There are unexpected storms, shifting terrain, and variables you must navigate at the moment. The wisdom of feminine is masterful at the ebb and flow and she is the compass that guides you when the map no longer applies.

This is why I love somatic coaching in tandem with cycle syncing. It helps you develop trust and build a relationship of safety and trust with your body while letting go of the masculine shield.

You hold the power- not some technique or method only developed in the last 10 years. You have hundreds of thousands of years of feminine wisdom woven into your being and it’s my ultimate goal to help you tap into that by way of cycle syncing, and somatic coaching.

Life Coaching

My approach to coaching blends mindset work, practical application, and somatic release to empower my clients to have true, long-lasting changes in their lives.

For years I worked with coaches and spent thousands of dollars only to feel like I didn't really see a big return on my investment because - although the mindset work was great - it didn't seem to get to the root of what was going on and no amount of morning mantras broke me out of the deep subconscious beliefs I was holding.

Each session is different depending on the program - some are designed to meet you where you're at while others, like my Gentle Business Jumpstart Program, are much more structured to ensure a fully-developed plan at the end.

All programs are infused with somatic techniques, subconscious reprogramming work, strategy development for tactical steps forward, and so much more. This allows us to work with a holistic approach through all layers of the human experience from psyche to spirit.

My coaching programs are designed to help you move through business and life in your feminine strength.

My heart for you is to be strong and soft, bold and tender. Self-resourced while also connected to the support of your tribe. To create and produce and then take time for restoration.

I hope you'll join me on this journey,

xx Beth