When You Feel Disconnected

“Don’t worry about it!”

“Just finish your food. There are starving children in other countries.”

“Just take some ibuprofen and get to work.”

“A little wine will help take the edge off.”

The list of phrases we hear teaching us how to disconnect to our body’s knowing is endless.

I can look back to my childhood and remember when I completely trusted myself. I can also remember every experience that led me to feel splintered and incongruent.

It’s been a journey back to my whole, integrated self.

I remember how lost I was, how broken I felt, how foggy the world seemed.

I sought out every teacher and every modality to find my way back.

There is nothing quite like feeling at home in your body for the first time after viewing it as your enemy.

Or fearlessly taking big, bold steps to start bringing life your passions.

I don’t wonder if I’m capable anymore because I know myself so well.

I know what I can do and I get to do it within whatever framework I feel is most supportive.

This business is about so much more than “hacking” your cycle - it’s about returning to yourself in the deepest way possible.

It’s about offering the support I longed for while I felt lost and frantically on a quest to identify why I was so disengaged with myself.

I wanted a rich life outside of the 9-5, filled with experiences and connection and impact. I wanted ease, flow, and peace structuring my days. I wanted to be free of crippling panic attacks that would loop for hours and further disconnect me from my community and make me feel like an outsider.

My coaching programs are designed to help you move through these things while leaning into an peaceful strength. The feminine is strong and soft, bold and tender. She is self resourced while also leaning on her tribe. She creates and produces and then takes time for restoration.

If this resonates and you'd like to learn more, head to the contact page and let's connect.


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.


Listen and Lean


Phases: Luteal