
For the feminine

Other places to find beth

A woman’s Best-Kept Productivity Secret: Cycle Syncing.

“The average work day was built for a man who operates on a traditional 24-hour day. 
We as women, operate on a 28-day cycle each month. We are seasonal. We are nature. 

Learning how to work with the natural rhythms of your body is a super tool for women. 

What does each cycle even mean?
How men sync up to the hour (ex. high testosterone in the morning)
Why PMS actually reveals the truth 
Why you shouldn't be jolted out of bed every morning 
How to start tracking
Content planning in your Follicular Phase.. And other Hacks to doing Business Around your 28-day Cycle"

Seasons Of Your Business.

“In most systems of holistic medicine, seasons are fundamental to understanding pathology and healing.

But seasons aren't just important in health…they're also important in - you guessed it - your business and marketing!

Today I'm interviewing Beth Wood, founder of Rosewood Woman, to talk about aligning your life (and your biz) to the seasons.”

Honoring your cycle & Embodying the feminine.

“How do we begin aligning with our biology as women instead of fighting against it? 

In this episode, I’m joined by the ever insightful Beth Wood @rosewoodwoman.
Beth passionately shares her wisdom around:
The energetic and hormonal differences between men and women.
The 4 different “seasons” of our menstrual cycle and the hormonal, physical, energetic and emotional qualities and “gifts” of each phase (she also shares the different “seasons” of pregnancy and postpartum, so fascinating!).
How to begin aligning with the different seasons of our cycle, why it matters, and how it shifts the way we move through life.
“Spermy” energy vs. “eggy” energy (such a great way to explain masculine and feminine energy, don’t miss it!!)
The masculine/feminine balance and polarity needed in birth.
The beautiful connection between cycle alignment, nervous system health, and feminine/masculine balance.