How Rosewood Woman Started

I started Rosewood Woman from a laptop in bed between naps because I couldn’t hold a job that required me to go into an office.

I was nauseous all day, couldn’t remember basic things, had extreme fatigue, would get dizzy throughout the day, had horrible stomach pain, experienced extreme panic attacks that would run in loops for sometimes hours and no one could tell me what was wrong. Short car rides would make me sick and take all the energy I had.

This business (at the time under a different name) was how I provided for myself during some of the hardest years of my life.

When I started honoring a gentle, cyclical approach to my life is when everything changed.

I listened to the messages my body was sending me and reconnected to myself.

I stopped pushing myself to the breaking point over and over.

I was attentive to the smallest whisper and found my way back.

It was during this time I learned about our infradian rhythm as women and how I had accidentally started honoring that rhythm just by listening to what my body needed.

But I was still stuck- how could I make a living in a world that wants me to be on 24/7? I started researching how women of indigenous cultures operated within tribes. How did they “do it all” and I learned about the beautiful way women supported each other and shared responsibilities. I learned ways to use our modern systems to take on our modern day responsibilities through automations and optimizations. And I learned the best ways to delegate to other humans who can share some of the responsibility, too. I learned what business looks like in collaboration instead of competition.

At Rosewood Woman we pay our team to take time off for their periods.

We hope to get to the point of offering 40 days of maternity leave with postpartum doula, meals, and support.

We lift up women and know that when women are supported, communities are healed.

I’m so proud of how far the girl working from her. laptop in bed has come…proud of her grit and determination to do it different. And I’m thankful to you for being here and hope you feel empowered to begin - no matter how small the first step.


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.

The Female Body Doesn’t Need to be Hacked


The Truth Behind Burnout