Dear Female Business Owner…

Dear Female Business Owner...

Here are some symptoms indicating you are awakening to the desire to live from your true feminine.

  1. If you are disconnected from your bleed or have no awareness of your cyclical nature and its beauty: Then you are cut off from your body's compass, and living from a place of no intuition or creative richness because you are disconnected from your space of life and creation.

  2. If you feel tapped out, overwhelmed, or disengaged in life: Then you may be living from a place of masculine "hustle" and it's interrupting your natural creative, magnetic, and rich feminine energy.

  3. If you feel lost on how to be consistent in your business or you feel like your energy is unpredictable: It may be because you aren't aware or living from your natural energy fluctuations and the 4 predictable phases spanning across your 28-day cycle.

  4. If you are angry or resentful of the men in your life: It may be because of your unhealed and unexpressed feminine asking for space to move and come to life.

  5. If your business feels like a personal prison and you have anxiety, overwhelm, or hesitate about your next steps; It may be that you are in the masculine energy of achieving and it's time to shift into a place of magnetism that comes from your feminine and reconnect with your creative womb space.

As a woman, you are a creator and earthly portal for anything you desire to bring into existence.

We recognize the power of women to bring new life to earth in the form of children but that same energy exists within the context of breathing life into your expression and impact on the earth.

You can turn any "masculine" job or business into a feminine, body-based, nourishing business. You can be successful without sacrificing your health or soul. We help you create a business that honors your feminine design, pace, and needs.

This is Gentle Business.

Since the 1960s when women entered the workforce, we have been on a steady decline.Despite our apparent liberation, we are more unhappy and sick than ever before. The more we study women's health and happiness, the more we understand that women operate differently than men, and that our ability to function in a masculine workplace is greatly impacting our health.

Feminine cancers have skyrocketed in the US since women joined the workforce in the 60s with adrenal fatigue in women TRIPLING in just the last 10 years. We are killing ourselves and don’t even realize it.

We work differently and it’s time we start building our careers within a container that actually nourishes us.


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.

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