How To Support Your Nervous System: Rest

Our nervous system helps us and protects us by alerting us to danger, responding, and notifying us when we need to rest. When we support our bodies daily, we can slowly move out of the fight-or-flight state hustle culture evokes, and into a place of healing and peace.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to support the health of my nervous system on a daily basis.

  • Keep promises to yourself - build trust in yourself.

  • Allow for quality rest and reap quality energy in return.

  • Prioritize time in nature to reconnect, ground, and regulate.

  • Connect with other women IRL - we need belonging and to be witnessed.

  • Lean into the energy that's present - detail oriented? Tired? Inspired?

  • Support yourself through coaching or counseling to provide a safe space to explore your inner world and nurture yourself.

  • Sleep 8 hours. Your body is doing a lot and needs sleep to repair and heal.

  • Track your cycle - notice the consistency from the lens of 28 days instead of 24 hours.

  • Practice 3 deep belly breaths before you get out of bed.

Ready to get started with cycle syncing? Check out my new course, Cycle Sync For Life, to learn about your menstrual cycle, it’s 4 phases, and how to begin cycle syncing in simple, practical steps!

*Cycle syncing, also known as menstrual cycle syncing, was first coined by Alisa Vitti, an expert in women's hormones and integrative nutrition, in her book “Woman Code” in 2014.


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