For Such a Time as This

This is for the woman doubting her dreams:

There is no mistake in the passions and dreams in your heart. Each and every one has purpose in it and offers insight into a deeper calling.

It doesn't matter if you don't see the full picture yet - no one does. Even with the clearest vision at the earliest age, the unfolding of a dream is nuanced and develops as you get closer and closer.

  • Each and every longing in your heart offers an invitation back home to yourself and become the stepping stones to your way to impact the world.

  • You are here for such a time as this. What you bring to this Earth is needed in a way that may be unfathomable to you right now but there's no mistake in your presence on this Earth, at this time, with the dreams you have.

And here's the good news - you don't have to know it all.

It's okay if you don't see the whole picture. It's okay if you start with feeling or a longing and that's it. You'd be shocked how far that will take you.

Clarity comes from action; from walking through the forest and into a clearing.

It's up to you if you accept the invitation and take the first step.

I promise you when you do this, clarity will come and a path will start to reveal itself.

Here's a question to help you explore a next step:

If you were to look back and say, "That was the best year of my life!", what would have happened?


I help passionate writers get heard by giving them a cohesive brand through unique designs. I'm a mountain-dweller that loves french toast and foxes.

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